Wednesday, May 10, 2017

On Monday, the 8th, I planted all my tomatoes, my peppers, and my basil into the garden.  And of course, 45 minutes later, huge hail fell from the sky.  I only lost 4 plants out of 100+ (thankfully they were small plants or the damage would have been greater.)  I did feel panic when it started.  I lost an Anaheim pepper, a tomatillo, my only Big Beef tomato plant, and my only Sweet Million cherry tomato plant.  

I will take pictures of the survivors soon and get them posted for comparison.  The little plants are greening up nicely in their new space.

So far, all of my cucumbers have sprouted except for the little Mexcian Sour Gherkins.    Most of my pumpkins have also sprouted, but I'm still waiting for a few of them to show themselves.  My summer squash also has yet to emerge.  These won't go into the garden until the night temperatures are a little warmer.  

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