Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, 11 April 2016

I started almost 100 tomato plants from seed (only 6 didn't come up).  I've included my old favorites that I ranted and raved about last year.  

Lemon Boy
Better Boy
Big Beef
and others

This year I'm trying a few new varieties that I haven't ever grown. They include: 
Country Taste
Gaillo de Summer
Balls Beefsteak
Big Boy
Beef Master

And one that I tried last year, but it didn't survive so I'm giving it a second try is Garden Peach. If it proves to be too delicate and doesn't make it this year, it won't be getting a 3rd third try.

I also started a tray full of hot peppers.  They also came up well.  I didn't do any herbs or flowers or sweet peppers this year.  I'm in the process of trying to find a new house so I kept things to a minimum.  I hope I find something soon or I will have to give away all my seedlings.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.  

I will  post pictures (hopefully soon) of my cute little seedlings.

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