Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday, 2 October 2016

I saw these at Alyeska Resort while in Girdwood, Alaska this summer and I want to grow them.  They were stunning.  I'm going to plant them at the cabin near the creek.  I'll try a few where I live, but it is probably too hot and too dry where I live.  

Trollius chinensis Globeflower

I'm also in need for some full shade perennial ground cover next spring.  I'm thinking:  
Spotted Dead Nettle - Beacon Silver

Partial Shade Ground Cover:
Purple Rock Cress/Aubrieta

Full sun perennial ground cover:
snow in summer

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Sunday, 28 August 2016

I tried a new variety of cherry tomatoes this year.  It's called the Pink Bumble Bee and overall, I liked them and will grow them again.  They are bigger than regular cherry tomatoes, but they are unique with yellow stripes.  I also tried Mexican Midget since this variety failed last year.  I don't think I will grow those again.  Even though they produced well, they are so tiny...I mean tiny...that I felt I'd spent 10  minutes picking them and hardly  had enough for a salad.  There are other varieties that also produce well and are more substantial.  My favorites are the orange cherry tomatoes because they are so sweet, but I like to grow a variety for salads because I like the look of the different varieties when I throw them all together.  So this year, I grew:

Sun Sugar
Sweet Gold
Sweet 100's
Sweet Million
Yellow pair

and I pretty much grow these every year, but now I'm adding the Pink Bumble Bee to that list.

Some of the new varieties of regular tomatoes that I tried this year, didn't make it.  There were too many variables going on that didn't provide a safe transition to the garden.  Part of that was my effort in trying to move (which we ended up not doing in the long run).  So they all went into the garden late but before that, in the process of showing my house, I kicked all my plants out to the deck and many didn't survive the wind, my dog, and neglect.  Sometimes, plants are so finicky.  

Two new things, I am trying this fall is one, a worm farm, and two, I'm making a tumble type compost bin.  My garden needs nutrients. I didn't do anything this year to amend the soil before planting and it has showed in plant production.  I will post pictures of these things and hopefully my soil will benefit from these two endeavors and share that with next year's crop.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, 11 April 2016

I started almost 100 tomato plants from seed (only 6 didn't come up).  I've included my old favorites that I ranted and raved about last year.  

Lemon Boy
Better Boy
Big Beef
and others

This year I'm trying a few new varieties that I haven't ever grown. They include: 
Country Taste
Gaillo de Summer
Balls Beefsteak
Big Boy
Beef Master

And one that I tried last year, but it didn't survive so I'm giving it a second try is Garden Peach. If it proves to be too delicate and doesn't make it this year, it won't be getting a 3rd third try.

I also started a tray full of hot peppers.  They also came up well.  I didn't do any herbs or flowers or sweet peppers this year.  I'm in the process of trying to find a new house so I kept things to a minimum.  I hope I find something soon or I will have to give away all my seedlings.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed though.  

I will  post pictures (hopefully soon) of my cute little seedlings.

Monday, January 4, 2016


So, it is a new year and I have already been going through all of my seed catalogs.  I still plan on continuing my gardening quest. I am hoping to move this summer, so I'm hesitant as to what I need versus what I want.  I don't know what I will have space for.  I feel blind and that maybe I need to take a leap of faith.  Hopefully, I will find a new house soon. I just want an idea of what type of space will be available to turn into a garden.  

I have a few new seeds picked out for this summer, but I think I may have to stay with what I know and what I like.  I hope to place my orders within the next few days.