Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday, 2 April 2015

I need to get my pictures posted.  My tomato seedlings are big.

My romas all came up except 2, same with my cherry tomatoes.  My tomatillos didn't perform as well.  Only half came up.  The seeds were only a year old, so I'm not sure what the deal was there. All of my other tomatoes came up very well.  So they are thriving too.

My peppers are still coming up.  So I will post those results soon.

My herbs did well, except thyme.  I reseeded those peat pellets on Monday.  So hopefully they will come up.  I planted:  Lemon Basil, Genovese Basil, Sweet Large Italian Basil, Summer Savory, Sorrel, Marjoram, Sage, Fenugreek, Greek Oregano, Italian Oregano, Summer Thyme, Flat Leaf Parsely, Cilantro, Cress.

My flowers, especially the petunias, did very well. Dichondra also came up.  The others are still coming up.

I built a new light station for my taller plants, so they wouldn't get burned when they started touching the lights.

I will try and post pictures, once I get my taxes done.


  1. Looking forward to seeing your photos!

    1. Thanks Louise. I hope to get to that as soon as I can upload to my computer.
