New Seeds for 2018
Last night, I ordered most of my seeds for this coming year. Not too many new varieties were on my radar, but I did manage to pick up a few (I'm an impulse shopper.)
New to me in 2018:
1. Five Star Grape - a grape tomato
2. Sunrise Bumble Bee - a specialty cherry tomato
3. Valencia - an orange heirloom tomato
4. North Georgia Candy Roaster - heirloom winter squash (8-15 lbs)
5. Cinnamon Girl - pie pumpkin (3-6 lbs)
6. Early Giant - Jack-o-lantern pumpkin (30 lbs)
7. Mosquetero pepper - a poblano pepper
8. Lemon Drop pepper - citrus flavored heirloom hot pepper
9. Celebration Squash - acorn squash that is also decorative (so pretty)
10. Cougar Squash - straightneck yellow summer squash
11. Cougar PMR - small Jack-o-lantern (10-12 lbs)
12. Captain Jack - Jack-o-lantern (30 lbs)
I'm looking forward to trying these new varieties this coming year, as well as planting my stalwart favorites.
Last fall after ripping out the existing plants, I tilled a tarp full of leaves into each of my two gardens. Into one of the gardens, I also tilled in compost. I should have done the other one too, but my husband only bought enough for one garden. I'll add the rest this spring.