Sunday, 17 January 2021
No posts last years. It was a stressful year to say the least. I still gardened and had a great tomato season but it was super stressful & busy...not only because of Covid but also my husband was unemployed for all of last year so I was picking up a ton of overtime at work because of that.
I also spent a lot of time canning. I was extremely grateful that I picked up extra canning lids over the years because there was not a lid to be found in any store in my area. People really snapped them up because of the pandemic. To add to that mentality, I noticed for this coming growing season when purchasing my seeds a few weeks ago, so many of the seeds I always buy at this time were already completely sold out. So I suspect some seed hoarding going on as well. That and there were a lot of new gardeners created last year because people wanted to be doing something neighbor being one. When I'd get home from work, I often found her in my driveway with questions. Crazy times.
I purchased my favorites like Yaqui, Superfantastic, Mucho Nacho, Blaze, and many more.
Some new varieties I bought were:
Ornamental Peppers: Onyx Red, Black Pearl
Pumpkins: Autumn Crown, Flat Stacker
Tomatoes: Granadero, Giant Belgium, Buffalosteak,
Peppers: Carranza (ancho), Gigantia Jalapeno, Pequime (jalapeno), Sweet Sunset (banana pepper), Ancho San Luis, Inferno (Hungarian Wax), Golden Greek Peperoncino, Minero (Guajillo)
I also received some trial packets. I don't always try these. Many are not right for my climate zone and a lot of them are not as disease resistant as I'd like.
I am excited about this growing season. I'm not sure if we will be in a new house by then or there are definitely a few balls in the air.