Monday, 18 March 2019
I started my tomato, pepper, basil and flower seeds about a month ago. They are currently thriving. I add a Miracle Gro Quick Start fertilizer (4-12-4) every time I water them, which is daily because they are in the little cells for now. They need more water the bigger they get.
3 types of determinate
24 types of indeterminate regular tomatoes
11 types of cherry tomatoes
New varieties this year:
Bella Rosa - determinate
Chapman - indeterminate
Amish Gold - indeterminate (free trial packet)
Progress: Out of the 100 or so tomato seeds I started, only 7 didn't come up....all of the Cherokee Chocolate and all of the Big Zac. I'll need to throw out the rest of those seeds before next year.
I only grow ornamental peppers and hot peppers. At times I have grown the sweet varieties, but to be successful at it, I have to grow them in pots because I have so many earwigs. With our hot summers, it is too labor intensive for me. I didn't start any for this year.
New varieties this year:
Lemon Drop
Numex Joe Parker
Big Jim
One type of my ancho peppers didn't come up, but the 2nd variety (Mulato Isleno) did come up.
I love growing Tidal Wave Petunias in hot pink. I found a great deal on seeds this year from a new company I've never tried. I was disappointed because only 29 of the 44 seeds came up. However, I did also buy Easy Wave Petunias and all 36 of those came up, and I planted a few other varieties of petunias and had great success with those too.
I also started some Impatiens in 4 different colors, and only 4 out of 40 didn't come up, so I'm excited to try those this year. These flowers remind me of the wonderful flower boxes on windows and patios when I lived in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.