Monday, January 8, 2018


4 c. squash puree (about 2 ½ lbs.)

4 cloves garlic, minced

1 can coconut milk

2 T. Thai red curry paste

Juice of 1 lime

1 T. brown sugar

2 T. coconut oil

1 onion, finely chopped

4 c. chicken broth

Salt to taste

Saute onion in the coconut oil.  Add the rest of the 

ingredients and let  simmer for 15-20 minutes.  

(I use Knorr's Chicken Bouillon as my salt in this recipe, I 

also usually use water, instead of broth.)

Thursday, January 4, 2018

Someone asked me what I did with my 60 lb. squash that I grew last fall.  In late November, I cooked up about 10-12 lbs. and I gave the rest away.  

I loved the mild taste of this Naples Long.  (Next year, I won't be giving so much of it away.)  The flavor wasn't overpowering and even my kids ate it.  The flesh was a vibrant orange.  It really was quite beautiful.  I should have taken pictures, I know.  Sorry.

This squash is considered a winter squash, but it had some slightly different characteristics than other varieties I have grown.  When I baked it, it generated a lot of liquid, sort of like a summer squash would.  It was also a little stringy but  that was just fine because I put it into my Cuisinart and made a puree.  I then froze the puree in 2 cup containers for later use.  

So far, I've made soup with it.  I loved the Thai Coconut Curry soup the best.  That was a winner with my family.  I also made a Sage Squash soup for Christmas.  I didn't care for that soup as much as the first one I tried.  I have 4 other recipes to try, but I loved, loved the first one so much, I think I may just stick with that one for a bit.  

I will be growing this variety again.   It definitely provided me with quite a bang for the buck.

I will share the recipe this weekend.